Each year various Pathfinder Clubs put together a team to participate in the Pathfinder Bible Experience. There are 4 levels of testing. Area Level, Conference Level, Union Level and Division Level. Depending on their score, they advance to the next level of testing. This year 2021-2022 the Books of Study are 1 Kings and Ruth. The New king James Version (NKJV) is used. If you or your Club want to participate you can get a team together and study the books of 1 Kings and Ruth. You can contact our PBE Coordinators in Arizona for more information azmikewood@cox.net or  dnlyq@aol.com

The area PBE Level Testing is done by areas. We have the Southern Arizona Area, Northern Arizona Area, West Area, East Valley Area, and Central Area.

For PBE Detailed Information and Study Resources you can click here: PBE INFO AND RESOURCES