Join leaders across the North American Division for a VIRTUAL TRAINING! If you are a Leader, Teacher, Assistant, Volunteer with Adult Sabbath School, Youth Sabbath School, or any of the Children’s Divisions, this training is for you. There will be several seminar/workshop tracks offered:


Alive In Jesus Foundation and Pillars/Framework

The goal of the Alive in Jesus curriculum is to nurture a biblical worldview in the minds of our young people so they can see the Bible is a lamp to their feet and a light to their path! This is the foundation of this new curriculum. On top of this foundation rests the three pillars Grace, Character, and Mission. In this workshop we will explore this foundation and pillars.

Children’s Faith Development – A view through Alive In Jesus curriculum
In this workshop we will discover the different stages of a child’s faith development and how important this is as the child goes through the development stage of life. This is important to know and understand so one can be effective in helping a child as they #sayYestoJesus! This presentation is in light of the new sabbath school Curriculum Alive In Jesus.

Special Needs – A view through the Alive In Jesus curriculum
In this workshop we will discuss the importance of being aware of children with special needs. We will discuss what are some words that we use that may be offensive or hurtful to children and what are words we can use instead that are inclusive. You will become aware and further facilitate an understanding for your own church of how when we welcome children with special needs and their families, we create places of belonging for everyone.

Multiple Intelligences – A view through the Alive In Jesus curriculum
In this workshop we will dive into the importance of Multiple Intelligences especially looking at the ages birth to 3 years of age. There are 8 types of Multiple Intelligences and we will dicuss the most pertinent for that age range. This presentation is in light of the new sabbath school curriculum Alive In Jesus.

Alive in Jesus – Baby Steps Modeling
In this workshop the new Baby Steps curriculum will be modeled so you can see and explore how it is intended to be used.

Alive in Jesus – Beginners Modeling
In this workshop the new Beginner curriculum will be modeled so you can see and explore how it is intended to be used.

Inteligencias Multiples – Una vista atravez de Vivos En Jesus
En este taller profundizaremos en la importancia de las Inteligencias Múltiples, especialmente en las edades desde el nacimiento hasta los 3 años de edad. Existen 8 tipos de Inteligencias Múltiples, y vamos a comentar cuáles son las más pertinentes para ese rango de edad. Esta presentación es a la luz del nuevo currículo de la escuela sabática Vivo en Jesús.

Desarrollo de la fe de ninos – Una vista atravez de Vivos En Jesus
En este taller hablaremos de la importancia de estar conscientes con los niños con necesidades especiales. Discutiremos cuáles son algunas de las palabras que usamos que pueden ser ofensivas o hirientes para los niños y cuáles son algunas palabras que podemos usar en su lugar que sean inclusivas. Te darás cuenta y entenderás que cómo damos la bienvenida a niños con necesidades especiales y a sus familias, creamos lugares de pertenencia para todos en tu iglesia.

Necesidades Especiales – Una vista atravez de Vivos En Jesus
En este taller hablaremos de la importancia de estar conscientes con los niños con necesidades especiales. Discutiremos cuáles son algunas de las palabras que usamos que pueden ser ofensivas o hirientes para los niños y cuáles son algunas palabras que podemos usar en su lugar que sean inclusivas. Te darás cuenta y entenderás que cómo damos la bienvenida a niños con necesidades especiales y a sus familias, creamos lugares de pertenencia para todos en tu iglesia.

Fundamentos y pilares de Vivos En Jesus
El objetivo del currículo de Vivo en Jesús es nutrir una visión bíblica del mundo en las mentes de nuestros niños para que puedan ver que la Biblia es una lámpara para sus pies y una luz para su camino. Esta es la base de esta nueva lección de escuela sabática. Sobre esta base descansan los tres pilares: Gracia, Carácter y Misión. En este taller exploraremos esta base y pilares.

Vivos En Jesus – Pasos de Bebe
En este taller se modelará el nuevo currículo de Pasos de Bebe para que pueda ver y explorar cómo se pretende utilizarlo.

Vivos En Jesus – Cuna
En este taller se modelará el nuevo currículo para cuna para que pueda ver y explorar cómo se pretende utilizarlo.


I Want To Be There! (Creating Curiosity To Be In Youth SS)
Create curiosity so young people can hardly wait to get to Sabbath School instead of meandering in late or when things are just about over. Here are things you can do to make a difference!

Please Get The Youth Out Of The Church! (Service Ideas for Young People)
One of the key elements for successful youth ministry is involving young people in service. This seminar presents some proven methods for getting the youth “out of the church” and into their communities for service activities and community outreach events.

Meeting God (and Each Other) in the Bible (A New Bible Study Technique)
Of course we want to connect with God, but how? Many people say, “The Bible,” but so often reading the Bible seems like something distant from our own lives. Find a way to connect with God (and with one another) by looking at Scripture in a new way.

Start With A Spark (Ways to Start or Revive Youth SS)
Every Youth SS needs something to get it going—a spark. That’s true when beginning a Youth SS for the first time, each week as you begin SS, or starting from scratch. Collect some ideas you can use next Sabbath, and consider the key principles so you can create your own sparks.

What Happens When Jesus Comes To Your Sabbath School? (How To Grow Spiritually)
We often pray an invitation for Jesus to be present in our Youth Sabbath School. What happens if or when He shows up? Are you really sure you want Jesus in your Sabbath School?